
We Don't Need No

I’ve considered this once or twice in the past, and I’ve come to the conclusion that Colleges and Universities may very well end as an institution. They’ve long since outlived their usefulness as centers of collaboration and education and devolved into mere adult daycares. Even back when I was attending in the late 90s, it was basically High School 2.0, but with a Boarding School atmosphere and no parental oversight. These aren’t the great institutions we used to read about that once produced by the likes of Newton, Darwin, or Turing.

JoJo Mojo

So I finally decided to watch JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure out of sheer curiosity borne from the memes, and I have to say… it totally makes sense. The show is so ridiculously over the top that it practically begs to be memed. I mean, seriously “Your first [kiss] wasn’t JoJo! It was me, Dio!” is the stuff of dreams. Practically every other line of dialog in the whole show is hammed up to 11, making it not only impossible to hate, but perfect for drinking games galore.

A Full Bundle

In the process of working on a customer migration and came up with a neat query for finding tables that don’t have a primary key: SELECT c.oid::REGCLASS::TEXT AS table FROM pg_class c JOIN pg_namespace n ON (n.oid = c.relnamespace) LEFT JOIN pg_constraint p ON (p.conrelid=c.oid AND p.contype = 'p') WHERE c.relkind IN ('p', 'r') AND n.nspname NOT IN ('pglogical', 'information_schema', 'bdr') AND n.nspname NOT LIKE 'pg\_%' AND p.conrelid IS NULL; For anyone out there that is using pglogical, this is how you figure out if there are any tables that won’t work in the default replication set.

Of Buried Tales

For some reason last night, I dreamed that I was going to give a speech some time later, and as part of it, I wanted to recite the opening of the Canterbury Tales. I believe my intent was to denote that the beauty of the prose can only be truly conveyed with proper pronunciation of the Middle English that has essentially been lost to time with the evolution of the language.

But for the Shouting

So, it’s nice to know that Time Magazine has essentially admitted that the election was manipulated. At least they’re being honest about it now, though using Weasel Words to obfuscate a bit for plausible deniability. “Steering media coverage” is the definition of manipulation I was going to post some huge analysis of how there were tons of inconsistencies, the fact that the challenge lawsuits never even made it to court so the evidence was never heard, or the fact that we should all want audits to reach consensus to finally put this to rest.