It’s too bad I don’t have a previous stress echo to compare this to, since I’ve never had one before.
Anyway, my appointment was scheduled for Wednesday 9am at Northwestern in Chicago. I got back to work around 1:30pm, and I was right, they spent a billionty years digging into my ribs and various other spots. They say my anatomy doesn’t seem to match my diagnosis, which is somewhat amusing. He knows how CC-TGA, JAA, and dextrocardia can go together, but it seems counter-intuitive.
I’m a writer, these pop into my head. That’s life.
“It is not enough to be a just leader of men. For how can one rest knowing men need leaders at all? Gently cast down those that idolize or they shall eternally subjugate themselves.”
“What is melancholy but the purest conviction there’s been some terrible mistake?”
Until Tomorrow
Hey folks,
As many of you know, I’m getting married, and much to my chagrin, I’ve not maintained very good address/phone records for you, my friends. If you could please assault me with a barrage of name, address, and phone information so I can inflict my wedding upon you, I’d greatly appreciate it.
If you don’t know how to get ahold of me already, pick your favorite. Take care all!
Last weekend, Jen and I went back to Washington IL to handle a bundle of wedding-related minutia. We met with Monty of Chef’s Catering, consulted with our mistress of confection to outline cake blueprints, and endured an engagement photo session. We also had a wonderful Easter brunch care of Jen’s family, which I always enjoy. We drove back into town on Tuesday and I hopped on the train home, arriving around 6:15.
Appointment at the cardiologist was pretty uneventful. Dr. Mendelson seemed surprised I’m doing so well with such a diverse and staggering quantity of heart defects. She asked me a couple times who referred me, and why I was there, but my answer never wavered: I want a Cardiologist familiar with, and who has seen many other adult congenital heart patients. And here’s the funny part: she more than proved my point.