
Sinks, Blinks, and Finks

Well, half of my kitchen sink is missing, stolen by the maintenance man for my building. Why? Because half the pipes were filthy, rusted amalgamations of leaky steel. My sink leaked, badly. Running any water through it, via dishwasher, or just through the main drains, would result in water dumping all over the storage area underneath. Judging by the pipes he showed me, this has been happening for months, and the previous occupant never noticed.

To the Uncaring, Go the Spoils

It’s been a long week, and my vacation is finally over. Late Saturday night, early Sunday morning–either tell me it’s a weekend just like any other. I relaxed, I finally got the chance to enjoy Wicked, and I tooled around downtown gulping food I don’t deserve with a woman equally beyond my reach. I got drunk, I got sick, I had fun, and I’ve got little to show for it but some new rattles in my empty head.

Beat 'em Up With Furniture!

Well, I’ve had one of the busiest weekends on record. The TV is absolutely gorgeous. I tested out a few movies, anime, and hooked it to the media PC and so far, even from ridiculous angles where it washes out ever so slightly, it’s better than my 32" tube ever was. And what about the media PC? I installed Ubuntu on it, installed all the Ubuntu Mythtv stuff, drivers, codecs, and tweaks, and now I have to say I should have done this years ago.

From the Ends of the Earth

Yikes! Move from one apartment to another, and suddenly things just go to hell. I’ve managed (barely) to keep up with Rabbit Rue, but all my other activities have seemed to suffer. And then of course, they had to release the end of Harry Potter, and my weekend was pretty much shot. So, onward and forward, I’ve got some catching-up to do. But there are worse things. Like buying bookcases so I can unpack my books, waiting to receive my New 40" LCD and its accompanying entertainment center, so those’ll be fun to haul into my apartment.

Gone a Gander

There comes a time in a person’s life when they just wonder… why? Today I plucked two grey hairs. This by itself is not notable. What struck me, was that they were both in my eyebrows. Considering the relative distribution of hair follicles across various parts of my scalp, two in such a small area bodes badly. Then I noticed I have quite a few coming in on the sides… sides I normally have shaved down to 1/4 inch, but it’s been a while since I’ve been in for a haircut.