Final-est Fantasy
Last weekend, I went to try and play Final Fantasy 14 like I normally do, and ran into a nasty surprise. I’ve been playing on Linux this entire time after jumping through a few hoops, and while the game works just fine, the launcher is another matter.
Apparently some of the workarounds I put in place were to institute the “old” launcher because the new one uses MSHTML of all things.
Getting Testy
I had some blood tests done recently to check a few things because hey, I’m in my 40s now, and I really haven’t seen a doctor for a while. For the most part, things were as expected, but a couple results surprised me. Though looking back on it, maybe they shouldn’t have.
First surprise was a good one: my testosterone has basically doubled since the last time I had it tested three years ago.
I’ve been using WordPress on my blog for so long, I don’t even really remember when I converted to using it from my homegrown system. My post archives suggest it happened some time in 2010, so that’s a long time to be on a platform I ultimately disliked. Heck, I hated the Gutenberg block writing system so much I followed a guide to disable it. And then I installed an actual plugin to disable it permanently.
On Saturday the 12th, I completed 3-day extended fast. Technically it was closer to 88 hours because the last meal I ate was around 7pm Tuesday night and I didn’t eat again until 9am Saturday morning. Still, it’s one of the most difficult things I’ve ever done, which I find a bit odd given how scarce food must have been during human evolution. How soft are we that 2-3 days without eating is a notable period?
Given it was the weekend, I finally decided to install the Deepcool Castle 280ex and 32GB of extra G.Skill Trident-Z NEO RAM I ordered a couple weeks ago. Given how things can go unexpectedly while wrestling with the innards of a computer, I gave myself ample time to do everything, and I’m glad I did.
But first things first. I haven’t really cleaned my computer since I built it in July of 2020.