Why do I keep hurting myself?

Well, three torrid days of reading later, and I can say that the latest Harry Potter book has been quickly consumed. Now I just have to wait three years until the next one comes out. Hahaha.

On the DDR front, I’m going to have to stop for a couple weeks. It appears I’ve irritated a tendon in my right foot, and it hurts to walk now. I think what I’ll have to do when it heals, is build a metal DDR pad so I can wear shoes and play - so my feet don’t take so much direct impact. Well that, and not play for three or more hours at a stretch.

I started a Quad Cities DDR Yahoo group, which I’m trying to figure out how to promote. With no DDR machines in the area, it’s hard to meet at the arcade and shill the group to people. ^_^ I’ve also joined an anime group in the area. They meet from 2-5 in the Moline Southeast branch library, so I won’t be able to go to the meetings, but I’m sure I can find some way to contribute.

I’m starting on the site engine that will be my legacy. ^_^ Even though I’m writing it in PHP first, I plan on porting it to something less crappy later. I’m none too happy with the PHP developers; they seem hell-bent ignoring bugs in their language. But my only other real recourse is an Apache module, and that would slow down my development phase by quite a lot. The Apache API is kinda screwy. Maybe the Apache 2.0 API is cleaner?

And it also looks like the good old Chess and Games alumni are forging their own group, too! This is way too odd of a coincidence for me to ignore. I create one group, join another, and then turn around to have this come out of nowhere. Something weird is going on. ^_^