Dizzy A Go Go

Wondering where I’ve been? I’ve been sick for the past few days. Actually I’m still sick, but I’m well enough to leave bed for long periods of time.

Friday, I drove to the Chicago area to spend some time with Jen, since I haven’t been there for a while, and apparently Ryan missed me. We had dinner at Heaven On Seven, a restaurant known for having spicy Cajun food. I tried my luck with their Cajun Stir Fry, which was on their specials menu, and didn’t have a hot pepper next to the item description, so I assumed it was safe to eat. It was good, but boy was it hot. Now I wish I ordered the Shrimp VooDoo instead; Ryan says it wasn’t as hot as mine, and it did have a pepper icon. Ah well.

For most of Monday, I just stayed in bed and read when I wasn’t sleeping. Tuesday was about the same, though I felt worse, and had a headache most of the day. Today, I’m at work, though I probably shouldn’t be. I guess I get to share the wealth. ^_^

Until Tomorrow.