Back to my Roots
After many years of presence on the web, I believe it’s time to return to my roots. For a few years, there was a kind old couple that used to babysit me who donated a nickname I haven’t used in a while: bones. It probably doesn’t take a lot of imagination to determine the source of that alias, but I admit it lends a certain aspect of nostalgia to my otherwise futuristic persona. For those few short years where I was simply known as “Bones Moses,” and now I’m going to try and reclaim my lost heritage.
To that end, I have registered which will eventually be the new domain for the site you see now. So what of poor Well, I’m going to try an experiment. We’ve all seen those webcomics out there, but I’m more of a writer. So in a few weeks, I’m going to re-launch kildosphere as a web-fic. I’ll need time to develop a rudimentary display and authoring engine, basic plot outline for the first story arc, and requisite cast of characters. As usual, there will be an RSS feed for all of this, so fans can remain abreast of new installments.
Even if this experiment fails, will remain. Though something I should have done long ago, late is always better than never. As a bonus, it’s a shorter domain to remember, and much easier to type. If you’re keeping track, the email address associated with this domain will be My old email address will be my writing alias for the Kildosphere re-launch, so worry not about suddenly being unable to reach me.
So far, the server is doing very well. I’ve got Postfix absolutely destroying incoming spam without the aid of SpamAssassin thanks mostly to sender domain verification and disabling my wildcard email alias. SquirrelMail provides my ability to check email remotely, and so far, it looks like a pretty good package—certainly better than ssh+mutt. The site itself comes from lighttpd with its wonderful fastcgi module and PHP. When I get some more time, this will likely change to TurboGears and Python, which seem like a powerful combination. PHP has served me well for years, but I think it’s time to move on; we’ll see how it goes.
Until Tomorrow