PG Phriday: Date Based Partition Constraints

PostgreSQL has provided table partitions for a long time. In fact, one might say it has always had partitioning. The functionality and performance of table inheritance has increased over the years, and there are innumerable arguments for using it, especially for larger tables consisting of hundreds of millions of rows. So I want to discuss a quirk that often catches developers off guard. In fact, it can render partitioning almost useless or counter-productive.

PostgreSQL has a very good overview in its partitioning documentation. And the pg_partman extension at PGXN follows the standard partitioning model to automate many of the pesky tasks for maintaining several aspects of partitioning. With modules like this, there’s no need to manually manage new partitions, constraint maintenance, or even some aspects of data movement and archival.

However, existing partition sets exist, and not everyone knows about extensions like this, or have developed in-house systems instead. Here’s something I encountered recently:

CREATE TABLE sys_order
    order_id     SERIAL       PRIMARY KEY,
    product_id   INT          NOT NULL,
    item_count   INT          NOT NULL,
    order_dt     TIMESTAMPTZ  NOT NULL DEFAULT now()

CREATE TABLE sys_order_part_201502 ()
       INHERITS (sys_order);

ALTER TABLE sys_order_part_201502
  ADD CONSTRAINT chk_order_part_201502
      CHECK (order_dt >= '2015-02-01'::DATE AND
             order_dt < '2015-02-01'::DATE + INTERVAL '1 mon');

This looks innocuous enough, but PostgreSQL veterans are already shaking their heads. The documentation alludes to how this could be a problem:

Keep the partitioning constraints simple, else the planner may not be able to prove that partitions don’t need to be visited.

The issue in this case, is that adding the interval of a month changes the right boundary of this range constraint into a dynamic value. PostgreSQL will not use dynamic values in evaluating check constraints. Here’s a query plan from PostgreSQL 9.4.1, which is the most recent release as of this writing:

SELECT * FROM sys_order
 WHERE order_dt = '2015-03-02';

                QUERY PLAN                                    
 Append  (cost=0.00..30.38 rows=9 width=20)
   ->  Seq Scan on sys_order  ...
   ->  Seq Scan on sys_order_part_201502  ...

Well, it looks like the PostgreSQL planner wants to check both tables, even though the constraint we added to the child does not apply. Now, this isn’t a bug per se, but it might present as somewhat counter-intuitive. Let’s replace the constraint with one that does not use a dynamic value and try again:

ALTER TABLE sys_order_part_201502
 DROP CONSTRAINT chk_order_part_201502;

ALTER TABLE sys_order_part_201502
  ADD CONSTRAINT chk_order_part_201502
      CHECK (order_dt >= '2015-02-01'::DATE AND
             order_dt < '2015-03-01'::DATE);

SELECT * FROM sys_order
 WHERE order_dt = '2015-03-02';

                QUERY PLAN                                    
 Append  (cost=0.00..30.38 rows=9 width=20)
   ->  Seq Scan on sys_order  ...
   ->  Seq Scan on sys_order_part_201502  ...

Wait a minute… what happened here? There’s no dynamic values; the constraint is a simple pair of static dates. Yet still, PostgreSQL wants to check both tables. Well, this was a trick question of sorts, because the real answer lies in the data types used in the constraint. The TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE type, you see, is not interchangeable with TIMESTAMP. Since the time zone is preserved in this type, the actual time and date can vary depending on how it’s cast.

Watch what happens when we change the constraint to match the column type used for order_dt:

ALTER TABLE sys_order_part_201502
 DROP CONSTRAINT chk_order_part_201502;

ALTER TABLE sys_order_part_201502
  ADD CONSTRAINT chk_order_part_201502
      CHECK (order_dt >= '2015-02-01'::TIMESTAMPTZ AND
             order_dt < '2015-03-01'::TIMESTAMPTZ);

SELECT * FROM sys_order
 WHERE order_dt = '2015-03-02';

                QUERY PLAN                                    
 Append  (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=1 width=20)
   ->  Seq Scan on sys_order  ...

Now all of the types will be directly compatible, removing any possibility of time zones being cast to a different date than the constraint uses. This is an extremely subtle type mismatch, as many developers and DBAs alike, consider these types as interchangeable. This is further complicated by the fact DATE seems to be the best type to use for the constraint, since time isn’t relevant to the desired boundaries.

It’s important to understand that even experienced developers and DBAs can get types wrong. This is especially true when including information like the time zone appears completely innocent. In fact, it’s the default PostgreSQL datetime type for a very good reason: time zones change. Without the time zone, data in the column is bound to the time zone wherever the server is running. That this applies to dates as well, can come as a bit of a surprise.

The lesson here is to always watch your types. PostgreSQL removed a lot of automatic casting in 8.3, and received no small amount of backlash for doing so. However, we can see how subtly incompatible types can cause major issues down the line. In the case of partitioning, a type mismatch can be the difference between reading 10-thousand rows, or 10-billion.