
Free Agentry

Potential layoffs are a persistent fixture in some industries, like some kind of Sword of Damocles looming over them in perpetuity. With the recent advances in AI and the weak economy battering industries of all description, the rate is only accelerating. Perhaps anecdotally, Tech is one of the worst affected in the current climate, with nearly 50k laid off already in 2024 alone, and over 250k in 2023 according to the Layoff Tracker.

Project: Kubed Chaos

I’ve had something of a “busy” week thus far. My sleep has suffered unfortunately thanks to it, but it’ll settle down eventually. See, when I get an idea in my head, it essentially consumes me. I go to bed yearning to work on it, and if I wake up at night to use the restroom, it’s all I can do to go back to sleep. Sometimes, I simply can’t. It was that kind of week, when my urge to tinker absolutely devours my faculties.

Incomparably Square

Well, I’ve finally reformatted my Dell R730 project system and replaced TrueNAS SCALE with Proxmox VE once again. Now that I want to go deeper into virtualizing so I can do more Kubernetes experimentation, using a NAS device as the Hypervisor only serves to complicate the process. There wasn’t anything critical on the system, so that made it convenient to reformat, and just start from scratch. Why all the re-shuffling? EDB wants me to start digging into our cloud products, and that means I need a more convenient place to stage and experiment with that kind of thing.

Into the Hole

Geez, play a few games and then I just fall off of the Earth! Has it really been nearly three months since my last update? Dear lord, I need to summarize quickly! Leisure Activity Which games? In order of completion or last play time according to my Steam Library: Armored Core 6 - I managed to defeat this despite the challenging difficulty. I even got all three endings! It’s great and I highly recommend it!

Birthday in the Swamps

So my 46th birthday has come and gone. As per usual, I took the week off and played video games. The primary focus of this time was spent on Armored Core 6, a mech-focused game by FromSoftware of Dark Souls fame. It’s an excellent pastime, and even though I suck at it, I’m having a blast (pun intended) blowing stuff up with mechs. Unfortunately during my second playthrough in pursuit of the second of three possible endings, I noticed a lot more eye floaters than usual and a weird squiggle of bright light in the periphery of my right eye.