Another Month Gone By

I meant to write this over a month ago, and boy how time flies these days. My beef supplier didn’t have any grass-fed cows available until next year, but she did have a traditionally fed coming in. So I picked up a quarter of quite a few great-looking cuts, and even convinced the butcher to include 4 bags of fat so I can make tallow. I also like the way the new butcher packs the meat in paper rather than plastic, making it much easier to unpack when the time comes.

A Phenomenon Potpourri

My 44th came and went without much fanfare. I sorta wanted to post a “Lordy Lordy, look who’s turning 4040!” meme from Aqua Teen Hunger Force though, because of course I do! Besides decade-old cartoons, I took the week off and just played Final Fantasy 14 for the whole time. I started it about a week earlier than that and am actually enjoying it quite a bit. I never thought I’d say that about a MMORPG, but hey, they clearly know what they’re doing.

Bringing it Home

Well, it’s finally done. I just finished all the inspections, negotiation, offers, paperwork, and bank wire necessary to buy a house. Of course, Jen and I have already gone through all of this after moving out of Urbana, but this time the house wasn’t for us, but for my mother. It’s not a grand affair; just a 3 bed, 2 bath for around $125k basically in the middle of nowhere. Despite that, the mortgage costs less than her current apartment, for more space, with actual equity in the property.

Second Shot at Sight

I got my second eye injection on Thursday, and so far the experience has been roughly the same. My eye’s still a bit score and scratchy, but oddly enough, I don’t seem to have gained any more floaters compared to the last injection. The doctor says the bleeding under my macula appears to be receding and suggested I may not need any further shots after this one. We’ll see in six weeks, I suppose.

Ocular Occlusion

While I was vacuuming up some fur-based tumbleweeds around the house Sunday morning, I noticed that it seemed as if I’d stared too long into a light bulb. That misshapen blob that suggests light has seared an indelible purple smear into my vision until it eventually fades. “Huh, the bathroom lights must be brighter than I thought,” I thought to myself. I shrugged in annoyance and kept vacuuming. But it didn’t go away.