Postgres Feed

PG Phriday: Primal Planner Prep

The Postgres query planner is house of cards built upon the ever-shifting sand of our data. It has the utterly impossible mission of converting our ridiculous and inane requests into a logical series of fetch, filter, sort, join, and other instructions. Then the resulting steps must be ruthlessly efficient or the execution phase could very well saturate every hardware resource available; Set Theory isn’t very forgiving. Forewarned is forearmed is very apt when applied to database query planners.

PG Phriday: Instant Runoff Through SQL

The United States held an election recently, and there has been some … mild controversy regarding the results. Many raised issues about this before the election itself, but what if we had used instant-runoff voting instead? More importantly, can we implement it with Postgres? Well, the answer to the last question is a strong affirmative. So long as we don’t break the results down into voting districts, and make wild unsupported assumptions regarding rankings, that is.

PG Phriday: Broken Parts

Partitioning tables in Postgres can be an extremely risky endeavor. Unfortunately on many larger systems, it’s also essentially a requirement; the maximum size of a Postgres table is 32TB. This isn’t just because converting an existing table to a series of partitions is expensive or time consuming. We must consider how the query planner will react to the partitioned version of a table. There’s also the very real risk we will (or already have) implement flaws in the trigger or constraint logic.

PG Phriday: Perfectly Logical

One of the things Postgres has been “missing” for a while is logical replication based on activity replay. Until fairly recently, in order to replicate single tables from one database to another, we had to encumber the table with performance-robbing triggers coupled to a third party daemon to manage transport. Those days might finally be behind us thanks to pglogical. But is it easy to use? Let’s give it a try on our trusty sensor_log table.

PG Phriday: Pesky Partition Plans

For all of those warehouse queries that never seem to complete before the heat death of the universe, there’s often a faster version. Sometimes this is due to a fundamental misunderstanding of how queries work, or how Postgres specifically functions. The trick is knowing when to back away slowly from an ugly but efficient query, and when to inject a flurry of predicates to fully illustrate the original intent of the query so the planner makes better decisions.