Servers In The Sky

If you are reading this, welcome to the Dual PIII-850 in my basement. My setup was successful, and I can now fire my old hosting provider The new server is based on Gentoo, running among other things:


  Name server software which offers a $100 bounty on any submitted security exploits that has yet to be claimed.  The author apparently emulates a gyrating penis, but being an asshole hardly affects code quality.


  By the same author as djbdns, it carries the same security history.

Spam Assassin

  The quintessential spam filtering utility.  Pain in the ass to properly configure as a default qmail email scanner, but once it's working, it can even reject messages that are too "spammy" right at the smtp level.


  Kickass intrusion detection system.  Combined with my iptables firewall, locked-down ssh, and complete lack of telnet support, hopefully I won't get hacked too often.

I’m still tweaking, and fixing my crusty old website code to work under the new environment until I have time to rewrite it, but the bulk of the work is done. If anyone wants to host with me, I’m more than willing to set people up. It’s fun-a!